7megaTrades - About Us

About Us

TrumpCoin 90% Traded
7megaTrades is a distinctive investment company offering our investors access to high-growth investment opportunities in Bitcoin markets and other services. We implement best practices of trading & mining of Bitcoins through our operations, while offering flexibility in our investment plans. Our company benefits from an extensive network of global clients. At 7megaTrades campany, we emphasize on understanding our client’s requirement and providing suitable solutions to meet their investment criteria. Our aim is to utilize our expertise & knowledge which will benefit our clients and the users of our services. Our company believes that when a team outperforms expectations, excellence becomes a reality.

Our Coin Ventures


Why we trade more of Dogecoin.
  • Dogecoin was originally founded as the result of a joke made by Jackson Palmer in November 2013. When he was contacted by programmer Billy Markus, they decided to turn Dogecoin into a reality.
  • Dogecoin was designed to be a friendly, more approachable form of cryptocurrency that could reach users put off by the cold complexity of Bitcoin. Even its name is taken from a popular Internet meme.
  • Dogecoin has one of the largest and most active communities in the cryptocurrency world. This community has come together to fund a number of charitable efforts and other projects. They even managed to sponsor a NASCAR.
  • One of the most common uses for Dogecoin today is as a tipping service. Users will tip other users for posts or contributions that they believe deserve recognition. It’s similar to a “like” but with more impact.
  • There have been no technical updates or developments since 2015 when Jackson Palmer left the project by declaring that he was going on an “extended leave of absence”.
  • In 2021 Dogecoin saw a major price surge thanks to an influx of users chasing GME style highs. This run was given a further boost when Elon Musk began tweeting about Dogecoin, calling it the “cryptocurrency of the people”.